Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Right of Answer!!!

I think i have the right to explain myself about the ashaming attack i've been the victim by my beloved Carla...... :)

I've been raised in the respect of others, always beeing polite and respectful of my neighbors.... but only in one condition... the respect as to come the other way too.... so let me give you some examples....

There are a lot of dogs in our neighborhood, but only two are annoying, and guess what the two dogs are the only dogs the owners don't take care of. Those poor animals are tied 24/7 behind the house without beeing able to run and play, nobody takes care of them.... you really wonder why people take dogs.... i guess one day they were like, oh yeah my neighbor has a dog, i need one too... but never noticed that in fact a pet is alive and need attention.... I'm sorry i don't respect those kind of people, plus in our street, true, people are not rich and i understand that, but people make efforts to keep their houses clean. Those neighbors are the only one with the crappiest garden i ever saw, plastic everywhere, trashes... and more...

My second point will be the stupidity.
Let's go back to this same neighbor that regularly burns his plastic trashes in his garden, making everybody suffocate in the street, and killing slowly our planet... i mean really? those people are that stupid not to understand that plastic is not meant to be burned like this? I'm sorry, but when i see this, it doesn't appeal my respect a lot.

My other neighbors wich are nice people, at least taking care of their dog.... (By attaching him at OUR door everyday so they won't be bothered lol). those 'nice' people have a van, at least 200 years old, and yesterday they started the van and let run the engine for ONE HOUR before they actually get in it and leave.... The whole street was full of smoke, my all house was smelling benzin, all the clothes Carla just washes were good to wash again cause of the smell....

I say ok i can be respectful... but not with basic stupidity, i won't respect people who doesn't know basics of respect to the neighbor, the ecology, and animals.....

True those people are very smiley, they always great you when you get out.... but I say... smiling doesn't make you smart, or civilised....

Another annoying point, the children... ok they're children... but i think even them are grown alone and not taken care enough by their parents.... i feel like a circus attraction since I'm here.... example two days ago the technicians from Indovision came to install in my place, i had to open the gates to let their car in... In less than one minutes at least 6 or 7 kids came to the door, to watch me while laughing and even without asking were coming inside the garden, checking how it was inside.... I don't blame them of course, I blame the parents.... cause for example my mum was concerned enough to teach me respect of property, and not to be rude with people.... Once again i blame those stupid parents taking care of nothing.....


let the one without sin throw the first stone in my face lol :p


The Diva said...

SO let me throw the first....... comment!!! :-P

I understand where you're coming from, Vincent. I truly, honestly do. Here in Europe everyone lives in a civilized world, sometimes neighbors don't necessarily know / greet the others but once they do parties, they'll have to keep it down, respect the others, Germans even have "quiet time" and certain allowed time for electric drills, vacuum cleaners, washing machine, hammering, and so on and so on.

This is only in regards to noise. Other things such as trash and politeness are kept quite well in modern world.

but you live in Indonesia, Vincent. I also know how it is there... from the crowd, the noise, the unrespectful and impolite kids but there's nothing you can do about it. You can yell, scream, throw stones at them. In the end, their stubborn heads will reply "What the hell are you throwing stones for?? They're just dogs, and kids. They're not YOURS. I can do whatever I want with MY kids and MY dogs and MY house."

So again, it's a matter of:
and most importantly

Which I think none of the above is a strong character ultimately possessed by any normal Indo. Again, notice the non-generalization in the sentence.

So just be patient, face it with a smile, one day you'll be able to sleep in the crowd and the smog and perhaps even come up with a better idea than an air cleaner to save ecology.
There's nothing more I can say, unfortunately....

Martin_Mayer said...

Well, I guess I know what you mean. Mind you: in Germany, dogs are not allowed to bark more than 10 minutes between 10pm and 6am.

The Diva said...

OH Martin, I'd SO love to see your face when we settle down in Indonesia one day.

Exactly HOW would you keep your dog from barking more than 10 mins just as how could you keep a baby from crying more than 10 mins??

Is that why all Europeans (germans, french, etc.) are so EMOTIONLESS and have boring expressions coz they're bound to follow the rules of stop crying, stop screaming, stop doing whatever it is that can disturb your neighbors?

Carla Chanliau said...

Well that's why these two guys are in love with us, Sheila. Smiley, friendly, gorgeous, talented and bright girl all at once must be a rare finding in Europe.

Bibou, life isn't fair, I know. You wish to be invisible, but the people here love you. I wish to be popular, but they don't even take a second look at me, and instead they'd peek at our house to make sure that YOU are there. When they finally care to speak to me, the subject of the conversation is always YOU.

As I discussed with Carol's Vincent yesterday, the culture gap is HUGE. But they're not the one that has to adapt (he said it, not me). It's really you. Time to start buying earplugs, hun!

Winzz said...

you got some of my points wrong Sheila....

I'm not really bother by the fact a dog barks for example, what pisses me off, is the fact that this dog barks for a reason and this reason is that he is tied all day long at the same place prevented to move, with nobody taking care of him....and that makes me crazy... and the only thing i want when i see this man going home and not even taking a look at his dog who is still barking, is kick his ass... PETS ARE NOT OBJECTS.

For the kids, of course kids play of course they make noise, and of course people do whatever they want in their house and with their kids....
But that doesn't allow them to come in my house without asking....
And if I follow what you said, when those kids come in my garden without asking, as i can do whatever i want in my house, then i'm allowed to lock them in my basement and make them listen to Celine Dion until their ear bleed ;)

They're lucky i don't have a basement....

I mean what would those people say for example if i'd go in my neighbor garden untie his dog and send him free to make him stop barking, without asking anyone?

Winzz said...

Oh and by the way.... YOU ALWAYS THROW THE FIRST COMMENT lol, I think you are the only one who reads this blog anyway :p

Carla Chanliau said...

Let's make sure Sheila is not the only reader of this blog. What about sending the link to your dad? Hihi..